Research & Lab
About Research & Lab
A state-of-the-art Food Products Analytical Laboratory and Research Centre is established in our AFTC to develop a range of innovative value added products and to analyze the quality of products manufactured or dealt with by our members and other manufactures and traders as to their conformity with the statutory standards prescribed under the Food Safety & Standards Act of India, 2006 and Rules, 2011 (FSSAI). Physical milling and cooking analysis are being carried out for Cereals, Pulses, Millets and Spices for the benefit of Rice, Pulses, Oil and Flour Millers and Traders.
A state-of-the-art Food Products Analytical Laboratory & Research Centre is established in Agro Food Trade Centre in a area of 20,098 Sq.ft to analyze the quality of food products manufactured or dealt by members and non member public.
The lab develop a range of innovative value-added products and to analyse the quality of products to conform the rules & regulations prescribed by the food safety& Standard act, 2006, Rules & Regulation 2011. Now FPAL lab is NABL Accredited for cereals, Pulses and its products. Has a facility analyze to proximate analysis & various food products such as cereals, pulses & its products, Spices & Condiments, Oil & oil products, Milk & Milk products, Sugar & sugar products, Salt, Beverages.
What We Do In our Research & Lab?
Food products such as, pulses & cereal foods, confectionery,meat& meat products, milk & milk products, Oil, Fruits & Vegetables, Beverages, Spices, Water processed food products etc
We do Water and fat soluble vitamins , food additives, mycotoxins, amino acidsprofile by HPLC, Determination of secondary metabolites, pesticide residues and antibiotic residues analysis by GC-MS and LC-MS/MS, Element analysis in water and foods by using ICP-OES and ICP-MS and Microbiological services.
Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Ph.D. students from different institutions are permitted to do their research work in our labs. We offer short term hands-on training on equipments and Quality analysis of food product.
Our Research & Lab Facilities
Analytical instruments and equipmentinclude:
- Indosaw Moisture Meter
- KEL PLUS Protein Machine
- UV Spectro Photo Meter
- Colorimeter
- Hardness Meter
- Weighing Balance
- Socs Plus – Fat Testing machine
- Humidifier
- Bomb Calorimeter- Energy test
- Laboratory Aspirator
- Tinto meter
- Hot plate

Activities in Research & Lab
The lab develop a range of innovative value-added products and to analyse the quality of products to conform the rules & regulations prescribed by the food safety& Standard act, 2006, Rules & Regulation 2011. Now FPAL lab is NABL Accredited for cereals, Pulses and its products. Has a facility analyze to proximate analysis & various food products such as cereals, pulses & its products, Spices & Condiments, Oil & oil products, Milk & Milk products, Sugar & sugar products, Salt, Beverages.
The FPAL is also recognized as scientific Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by Department of Science and technology, GOI.
FPAL is conducting skill development training on Analysis of Food-Products Nutritional analysis of Food products, Quality analysis of Edible oil, Quality analysis of Spices, Quality analysis of Sugar & Sugar Products, and lab level Paddy processing- Physical, Milling and Cooking quality analysis & Sensory Evaluation.
Research Initiatives of Marketing YardThe Department of Science and Industrial Research, under Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, has recognized Tamilnadu Foodgrains Marketing Yard as ‘Scientific Industrial Research Organisation ‘(SIRO). Having recognized as Scientific Industrial Research Organisation – SIRO, by Ministry of Science and Technology, GOI, Tamilnadu Foodgrains Marketing Yard is enthused to take up various researches. Now we have taken up research on the process development of nonchemical jaggery on commercial level adoption and to position the same in the global market. Yet another area of our research work related to value addition of rice , pulses and millets– Physical Quality Analysis, Cooking Analysis & Sensory Evaluation to bridge the gap between Farmers and Millers, enabling the paddy farmers to get a remunerative price for their crop.
In the two and half year, UK – India Collaborative Research Project ‘GrainCare’,“to study the system followed during drying and storage in India and evaluate the low cost low power robust sensor developed by UK partner at commercial level & comparative study with existing sensors”. Marketing Yard is partnering with, Nquiringminds Limited, Hampshire, United Kingdom;Brunel University London, United Kingdom and Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur, India.